Let Crackerjack create a engaging visual record of your next meeting or event…

Graphic recording is the live real-time creation of a large visual record of a meeting or event (such as the graphic recording created by Crackerjack at the CIPD Annual 2013 Meeting shown above). The power of graphic recording is in the fact the brain recalls information more effectively when stimulated with a visual image than […]

Graphic recording from AndPartnership’s 10 Year Anniversary Event #communication #graphic recording #andpartnership

Click on the image above to see the graphic recording I created live during the AndPartnership’s 10 Year Anniversary Event in London. AndPartnership is an organisation development consultancy, specialising in the human side of change. They pride ourselves in creating customised solutions to organisational change issues, whilst building valued relationships with our clients. You can find […]

How a drawing can help increase your profits #visualthinking #roi #bizitalk

Click on the sketch below to see how helping you develop and sketch out your big ideas can enable your team members to work more effectively and generate increased profits for your business. To find out more about how Crackerjack can help you visualise your next idea, please contact us on +44 (0)775 282 6227 […]

A unique graphic record of the CIPD Midlands Centenary Celebration!!! #CIPD100

Crackerjack Visual Thinking was pleased to be able to provide the Chartered Institute of Personal Development (CIPD) with a graphic recording of their Centenary Celebration event that took place just outside Leicester on the 14th September 2013. Here’s the graphic that was produced live during the event (on a wall with a bend in it!): […]